Why we love peonies | Victoria Florists Christchurch

Phone Orders 03 351 7444 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 8.30am - 5.30pm, Saturday - 9am - 2pm | Corner Wairakei and Idris Roads, Fendalton, Christchurch 8052

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Why we love peonies

Tight little spheres that unfurl to reveal delicate, fluffy blooms in a range of luscious colours, these beauties need little in the way of a preamble. We love peonies and we know you do too! However, the spotlight is on them during October and November because these are the months we get to enjoy them.

Tickled pink

Naturally, we think pink when we think peonies, but this darling bloom comes in an array of pinks, from delicate to bright, as well as coral, deep burgundy, yellow, white, and pink and white. Different varieties bloom at different times in the season, each offering different colours as well as scents. While they look lovely paired with lilies or greenery, we think peonies look amazing on their own – with delicate pinks dancing alongside brighter pinks, and unopened orbs placed next to fully-open blooms.

Peonies on show

What makes these blooms extra special is the short window we have for enjoying them. These limited-edition blooms grace the stage from mid-October through to the beginning of December – a season that coincides with events like Cup and Show Week. Where fashion and flowers overlap, peonies are in a class of their own at this time of year. If you love peonies, enjoy them in October and November, because they’ll be gone by the time summer rolls around.

Any occasion is a peony occasion, as long as they’re in season

With their ruffled and flouncy petals, peonies exude femininity and happiness – making them a favourite flower for weddings. If your wedding or anniversary is after peony season, why not seize the moment and enjoy them during the limited time they’re blooming. What better time to surprise your loved one with flowers, and how serendipitous if their birthday falls within the season – peonies make the perfect gift.