Want to keep your bouquet looking fresh as a daisy? | Victoria Florists Christchurch

Phone Orders 03 351 7444 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 8.30am - 5.30pm, Saturday - 9am - 2pm | Corner Wairakei and Idris Roads, Fendalton, Christchurch 8052

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Want to keep your bouquet looking fresh as a daisy?

There’s an art to keeping your flowers looking their best, and plonking them in a vase in front of a sunny window is not the way to do it!

We understand that flowers represent quite an investment in these economically shaky times, so we want you to enjoy your blooms to the full, and it starts with the journey from our store to your door. In other words, don’t buy your flowers first thing in the morning and leave them on your car seat in the hot sun while you head to work for the day. 

Once you get your flowers home, unwrap them gently and trim the stems at an angle before putting them in fresh water. Ensure you’ve removed any leaves from under the water line – leaves in the water can contribute to a build up of bacteria, and the fewer leaves your blooms have, the more energy they can direct to their flower heads. Trimming off these flower petals as they die will not only keep your bouquet looking fresh and it will also help to keep the remaining flowers healthy and further reduce bacterial growth.

Not all vases are created equal.

Vases aren’t purely about aesthetics, they also need to be functional, so make sure you choose a vase that will support your bouquet as much as possible. Don’t try to force a thick bouquet into a narrow opening for instance, as you will most certainly cause damage to the stems. We don’t recommend using a wide shallow bowl either, as you will risk having your stems droop over the sides or fall out completely, and a vase that is too small will interfere with your flowers’ water uptake.

Flowers don’t do hot and thirsty.

Filling your vase with warm water initially will encourage your bouquet’s blooms to open. After that, your water should be cool, and it will need to be refreshed every couple of days. If your flowers come with a little sachet of plant food, please use it! It’s not there for decoration, and can significantly extend the life of your bouquet.

The majority of flowers, with the exception of orchids, will prefer a cool shaded position in your home, preferably with filtered sunlight, so please don’t place your beautiful bouquet under a skylight or next to a roaring fireplace.

Taking the time to care for your flowers properly will extend their shelf life significantly and ensure that you’re getting value for money, and for the team at Victoria Florists, nothing makes us happier. Want your own ‘wall of fragrance” at your place? Call us today on 03 351 7444.